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Family chart of direct ancestors and related side complete of:


Date and places of birth, baptism, residence, marriage and divorce, death and burial.

Social conditions, literacy, level of education, profession, any honorary titles, military ranks in regular armed forces, reserve army, partisans and any patriots from every era.

Longevity, curiosity, illnesses and causes of death.

Degree of kinship with the ascendant.

Photographic portraits and signatures.




It is a graphical rappresentation of all generations directed and related side, found during searches.


Conversely about family chart, the family founder it is placed in the lower (to the root) and his descendants growe up, just like treetops.


It can be drawn, colored and framed. To be able to be hung to the walls of your home and to be show proudly your suffering, guests, friends and relatives.





Scanned copies regarding birth certificates, baptism, adoption, paternity & maternity recognition, confirmation, pubblications and wedding celebrations, divorces, citizenship, emancipations, interdiction judgments, immigration and emigration, municipal censuses, family leaves and “states of souls”, nominations and honorary diplomas, death and burial certificates, funerary inscriptions and grave’s lapidary. And again: newspaper articles, extracts from books and tests, souvenirs of death and obituaries. Extracts of the lists of leverage and military enlistments men and officers and graded lists. Extracts from databases of veterans, decorated to the value, deported and interned and fallen during WW1 and WW2, Italian Social Republic (RSI), Italian Red Cross (CRI), National Association of Italian Partisans (ANPI), lists of Garibaldi’s militias; detentions in prison and hospital admissions, religious institutions and orphanages. Priesthood, ecclesiastical careers and followers of religious congregations. Corporations of arts and crafts. Medieval and Renaissance town statutes. Thanks and ducal supplications of the pre-unification states regarding King of Italy and Italian Republic. 





Compatibly with the abundance of information recovered in the course of research, you can enrich the genealogical database with photographic portraits of ancestors, in civilian clothes and Military uniforms or cassocks, the workplaces, factories, tenements, colonies and old buildings, celebrations and commemorations, besides family graves and burials and related locations in cemeteries.





B/W & colored era maps.

Topographic maps regarding XVIII, XIX and XX centuries.

Title deeds of acquittals of skills, successions, Wills and level contracts, trades.

Photographs and drawings of houses, castles, fortifications, buildings and rustic funds, majesty and votive stones, extant or possibly recovered in public and private archives, libraries and foundations.

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